In the spring of 2007, Sarina Condello led a group of 17 travelers into the heart of
Ghana to participate
Award: Honorable Mention for Best Feature Documentary- The Accolade Competition
La Jolla, California
Official Selection in Film Festivals include:
East Lansing Children?s Film Festival (Michigan)
Hearts and Minds Film Festival (Dover)
Action on Film (Pasadena)
Bayou City Inspirational Film Festival(Houston)
Award: Honorable Mention for Best Feature Documentary
What People are Saying about Thank You Tanzania:
I just wanted to send you a note to say that your show BLEW MY HEART WIDE OPEN.
I felt so "full" afterwards- I can't stop thinking about it!
I will watch it with my kids over the day I WILL do the same (not hope to,
not maybe, WILL). You have made me want to be a better Dad and I consider your
example one of the greatest gifts I could ever receive.
Steven Philcox
Conductor, Pianist for Canadian Opera Company
I was speechless at the screening – the power of the film and the power of what you
and your kids have done is outstanding. So much so, that I went away wondering how
the average Canadian teen could tap into your teachings and the extraordinary journey
that your work in the third world offers.
Sue MacDonald
Without a question, I was touched by the essence of your message. I was touched by
the openness and transparency of the love that you have for your children. I was
touched by your vision. I was touched by the incredible hard work and energy it took for
you to make this film. I'm was touched most importantly by how many lives will change
because of what you did. There were many scenes where my tears simply flow without
Sammy Chong
Motivational Speaker, Entrepreneur
The movie is absolutely perfect there was not one false move or manipulative moment,
incredible that you will be able to truly share the experience with others through this film.
Of course even more spectacular than the film is what you guys actually did and shared
with those kids, it was so so inspiring to see that. Thank you. I want a sequel, one
every year!
Chrisse Harnos
Actor from ER
What a film! You really layed it out there and shared yourselves. What a great film,
beautifully shot, beautifully (and flawlessly) edited!
Anthony Lucero
Screen Writer, Actor, Founder of Circus Remedy

The greatest natural resources that we have on the planet are the minds and
hearts of our children. Thank You Tanzania follows the intrepid journey of Canadian
family which embarks on an adventure with the intention to celebrate and honour
childhood spirit in a part of the world ravished by AIDS. Sarina Condello along with her
three children facilitate a summer arts camp for the children of rural Tanzania. The three
teens, Kyra, Quentin and Teya, all black belts in Tae Kwando, act as camp councilors by
facilitating a white belt program for the orphans at The Olive Branch Orphanage. Joining
forces with Kihumbe, a Tanzanian dance and circus troupe, the newly formed ensemble
travels throughout rural Tanzania teaching and creating with over 1,000 children at an
orphanage, village and children’s prison.Thank You Tanzania illustrates how one family
transforms, evolves and discovers deep sense of gratitude through the act of giving.
The newly formed friendships, lessons and experiences that are developed with the
kind, resilient and generous people of Tanzania change their world forever.
I thought I would take the time and tell you how this project came to be. I am a single
mother of three magnificent teenagers, an artist, stage director and educator. Over the
last twenty years, I have traveled the globe to break away from the stultifying habits that
are fueled by our North American culture. My purpose in travel has always been to
make life more meaningful and to discover the origins and destiny of our human spirit.
Being a performing artist has given me a direct conduit where I have intimately
experienced people and places from around the world through the art of dance.
Traveling with this intent has allowed me to see my life’s journey not an itinerary but a
slow accretion of details, just like the creation of the world dances I have studied. This
has made me aware of the mammoth disconnection we have as a North American
society to the rest of the planet, and in particular, our disconnection to all the children
who are orphaned.
In the summer of 2006, I had reached the stage where my children were about to enter
young adulthood. I was reminded each time when I returned home from my travels
abroad, that my children were living in a time that not only encouraged but honored the
individualistic paradigm where empty materialism is aggressively promoted. The
contrast of the African children suffering from HIV and my children who were suffering
from MTV made me question how I had contributed to their way of seeing the world. I
always thought that through osmosis my children would see the world the way I had
experienced it; through my pictures and stories from around the globe; but this was not
the case at all!
When I was given an opportunity to implement a performing arts camp at an AIDS
orphanage in Tanzania, I thought that this would be an incredible experience for my
three teens to observe the world through a different lens. I hoped that this experience
would shift my children’s perspective and create a deeper understanding on how they
could affect their world in a positive way. I was ever so curious to see if this trip would
alter their moral choices and instill a sense of compassion and responsibility for others
in need. I had felt that this might be my last crack at instilling moral and global centric
values for my teenagers before they moved on to adulthood.
Correspondingly, the premise of creating this documentary was to capture the beauty,
vulnerability, and creative spirit of the children and youth from Tanzania and Canada as
they interact with one another through their exploration of the arts. The intended
audience is for children, youth and families in North America in order to encourage
awareness about the art of compassion and the importance of helping others, in this
case the children orphaned by AIDS in Tanzania. This film also purports that the creative
arts and play is an easy common ground for learning and healing when working with
children. Thank You Tanzania illustrates how the arts can flesh out our innate and equal
humanness regardless of colour, wealth or geography. It is the intention of this
documentary to elevate the African AIDS Orphans from problematic victims to unique
individuals with creative abilities hopes and dreams. It is through creative compassion
that lives can be transformed. I do hope you enjoy the film!
Sarina Condello
Director and Producer

Starring: Kyra, Quentin and Teya Vitko
Director and Producer: Sarina Condello
Executive Producer: Chris Wallace
Director of Photography: Matt Marek
Editor: Brian Noon
Music Mastering: Boom Tang Studios
Colour Correction: Elaine Ford
Featuring: The music of Kihumbe Dance and Drama Troupe
and the children oft The Olive Branch Orphanage
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