Sarina Condello has made a commitment to live her life as a champion of the child spirit. She has touched the lives of thousands of families with her wisdom, humor, insight and guidance through a constant push to live a better, more responsible existence. Sarina's passion is a force unto its own. She brings a level of expertise and mastery in a wide range of fields that contributes and translates beautifully into film. Her commitment to her art, to her love of children and to her community at large is a blessing and an inspiration to anyone who has the privilege of working with her.
Libby Lennie
Actor, Painter
I have worked with Sarina Condello on many different occasions - me coaching people vocally, and Sarina working her wondrous magic with their spirits and their bodies. There is no other movement / dance person that even begins to compare with the way Sarina takes a human being, surrounds them with passion, love, expertise, and emboldens them with the deepest understanding of their own power and creativity. Whether it be a child, or an octogenarian, Sarina speaks the language that makes each of us reach inside, love ourselves, and go out there with new ferocity and joy in life. I would work with her again in a heartbeat.
Elaine Overholt
Vocal Coach for "Hairspray" the movie and "Chicago" the movie
Over the ten years I have known Sarina’s work I have been consistently impressed with her creative and organizational skills; her keen visual eye; her ability to envision large projects and the focus to see them through to completion. She accomplishes everything she undertakes with boundless energy, passion and enthusiasm.
Carol Hay
Writer, Producer
In July of 2006, Sarina created and worked with The Olive Branch for Children on a drama, dance and education based project in Mbeya, Tanzania. It was an honour to see her commitment to reaching out to children through the mediums of drama, dance and art and seeing the children, children who have had very little laughter and joy in their lives smile with such energy and light that it was a true gift to all of us. The success of last year’s project was due in large to Sarina’s incredible charisma and strength of spirit.
Deborah A McCracken
Tanzanian Coordinator of The Olive Branch for Children

I have had the fortune of spending some quality time with the inspirational Sarina! My dear friend and collaborator Amy Sky, a close friend of Sarina’s, introduced me to her chakra dance class and I was so amazed at Sarina’s ability to make dance fun educational and empowering! Her work with children in Africa really inspired me to get involved. Sarina is a very generous big hearted woman-with much to offer in both teaching dance and how to be a kind person!
Olivia Newton John
Singer, Songwriter, Actor
In working with my children, I came to know Sarina’s highly original work as a creator, choreographer and director. Her vision of children as individuals with boundless potential and creative spirits was inspiring to watch, and very empowering for the children. She managed to tap into the uniqueness of every child in the program, and they emerged in the performances with increased confidence. She retains as a touchstone her connection to the world of children and the creative child spirit. She has a unique way of combing her gifts as a dancer, director and storyteller into all of her work.
Amy Sky
Recording Artist
Sarina is a gifted explorer, creator and mentor. As an evolving artist, Sarina shares her remarkable life experience with great generosity and passion. There is no seam between her life and her craft. Sarina also has a gift for seeing the true essence of a person and nurturing that uniqueness through creative dialogue. In group work Sarina creates an atmosphere of respect for oneself and others, non-judgment, trust, levity and aspiration ... an environment that fosters unselfconscious exploration, expression and creativity. We have been blessed to be able to work with Sarina.
Jane Salter
Sarina is one of those teachers that you pray your child will be exposed to during their formative years. She is able to quickly pinpoint the specific growth needs for the individual child and guide them on a pathway to achieving their personal best. Her enthusiasm and joyfulness are absorbed by the children and inspires them to push the boundaries of their physical and creative abilities. After watching Sarina’s work with my friends’ children for over 8 years, I could not wait for my own daughter to participate in her classes. The experience for my daughter has been thrilling!
Judy Toker
Set Designer
Sarina introduced our students to dance in its many incarnations from free form to formal movements. She is a master in her ability in working with large groups while at the same time engaging students in a fully positive way. Sarina’s influence on our students and our community will last for a very long time as she engendered a love of movement, theatre and dance and making this particular aspect of the arts as natural as walking.
Martin Hunt

Sarina Condello has come to The Neighbourhood Unitarian Universalist Congregation several times over the past few years to deliver the message of inspiration. Her talks are both inspirational and uplifting. Her radiant personality and her zest for life are contagious. My favourite part of every service that Sarina has performed at our church is her ability to get everyone up and moving both young and old alike. We feel truly blessed to have her as a regular visitor among our roster of inspirational speakers.
Naomi Tyrrell
Lay-Chaplain/Arts Educator
Sarina had a unique talent to put every one at ease and give them confidence to explore realms they were no aware of before. Through dance Sarina has helped children and adults alike to learn about themselves and others by traveling through different musical traditions as they learn the rhythms of different human groups. It has been my privilege to dance with Sarina for 8 years. She is a woman with a very special sensibility who lives her life the same way she approaches her projects; with respect, fervor and responsibility. She is an inspiration to young and old. Everyone who comes in contact with her is much better for it.
Elena Soni
Sarina has touched my class and our entire school with her magic for over 10 years. Through her incredible energy and creativity she has helped to awaken the imagination of countless children. Her drama and dance programs are varied and exciting both to see and to be part of. She has touched so many hearts and will continue to inspire all who she works with.
Simone Bender
Kindergarten Teacher
Sarina understands the most important role of the teacher is to touch a student’s heart. She knows how to set the stage to allow each individual’s inner spirit to shine as they freely release themselves into time and space. Sarina is a master at guiding the human spirit safely into uncharted territories. Time spent with Sarina will bring you closer to your true self. She will touch your heart.
Darlene Sveinson
Physical Education Teacher/Yoga Instructor/Visual Artist
Sarina is a great teacher! I did my first play with her when I was in grade 3. Since then she has helped me to prepare for professional auditions and roles and become a better actor and singer. Thanks to Sarina’s help I just got accepted into Rosedale School of the Arts, the high school of my dreams. I don’t know if I could have done it without her.
Storm Box
14 year old student